I know I’ve been neglecting this blog of mine for half a year now. A lot has been happening ever since then. The demand for this year is very hectic. Although I did promise to do a painting everyday, and I do most of the time but then February caught up with march for engagement days and preparations for my wedding, then I get commissions with paintings on the following month which carries on until the end of August. Every now and then me and my husband travels around the Philippines, while I wait for my visa to come out, I get another commission every now and then, from USA or locally, And then last September, I was a runner-up for the Windsor and Newton competition. http://acrylics.winsornewton.com/en/win/july_september_2009/
Then we fly out here in UK to settle,(for a moment).And voilah!2009 is almost gone.
So that wakes me up, like “Hey the year is almost over “..!!And yet I feel like I need to be serious. I need to put more emotions, expressions, feelings, depth, and careful composition in every painting of mine. Well its not that I care about other peoples opinion, I always is a rebel and much feel better to express my truest feeling than go with the norms. If I did paint against technical laws, so be it. I remember my first experiment with colors is crayons, then I discover color pens, and then the wonders of Watercolour. But being an 8yrs old, I use everything together. Pencil first for outline, then Water colour, then color pens, then crayons…
So to make story short, now I just decided to do it by the book. Careful observations, few tutorials from the experts in Scotland National Gallery, and that hopefully will do fine.
So for a start here's a series of study of an old woman.Above is the first one I've done in water color,120lbs paper.I start at 2pm and finishes at 6pm.I doesnt come the way I want it to be,but thats the first try to see how I will go...
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